6 min read

Intermittent Fasting & Longevity

Published on
07 Sep 2023
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Ageing is an intricate process, a convergence of various biological processes unfolding within us. This phenomenon, although inevitable, is more than just about counting years. It’s a vast and complex interplay of elements, ranging from our genetic makeup to our cellular constitution, right down to the smallest biochemical transactions that occur within our bodies. The rate and manifestation of ageing can differ significantly, influenced by numerous factors, including our lifestyle habits.

A particular lifestyle approach that has been drawing attention for its potential impact on healthy ageing is intermittent fasting. This practice, which involves alternating periods of eating and fasting, has taken centre stage in many scientific investigations and health discussions. Its proposed benefits span from weight management to metabolic health improvement, and now, it is being scrutinised for its potential role in promoting healthy ageing. In this article, we will navigate through the intricacies of intermittent fasting, from understanding its basic principles to delving into the scientific underpinnings of its role in ageing.

We will unpack the concept of caloric restriction, explore fundamental research linking it with lifespan extension, and probe the biological mechanisms that intermittent fasting may employ to exert its effects. As we traverse this path, we will also shed light on the nuances and complexities of incorporating intermittent fasting into our lives. This will ensure a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing practice. Let’s embark on this exploratory journey into the realms of intermittent fasting and ageing.

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting (IF), at its most basic, refers to an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It’s not about what foods to eat, but rather when you should eat them. The primary focus of IF is on the timing of meals rather than the specific type or quantity of food consumed. By adjusting our eating and fasting windows, we might be able to influence a host of bodily functions, from metabolism to cellular repair processes, and even potentially the ageing process itself. Such profound effects suggest that intermittent fasting could be more than just another dietary trend but a viable approach to promoting overall health and well-being.

There are several popular ways to incorporate intermittent fasting into your lifestyle, with three main methods leading the pack:
  1. The 16/8 method: This method involves fasting for 14-16 hours each day and confining your daily eating window to 8-10 hours. For many, this simply means skipping breakfast and making lunch the day’s first meal.
  2. The 5:2 diet: On this plan, you eat normally for five days of the week, but on two non-consecutive days, you limit your calorie intake to around 500-600 calories.
  3. Eat-Stop-Eat: This method involves a 24-hour fast once or twice a week. For example, if you finish dinner at 7 pm on Monday, you won’t eat again until dinner time on Tuesday.

Fasting isn’t a new concept; in fact, it’s as old as human history itself. Many ancient cultures practised fasting for religious or spiritual purposes. Today, fasting is recognised for its historical and cultural significance and potential health benefits, bringing us to the intersection of intermittent fasting and ageing. As we journey further, we’ll explore the science behind this connection, adding another dimension to this age-old practice.

Caloric restriction

Caloric restriction (CR) is a dietary regimen that reduces calorie intake without incurring malnutrition or a deficiency in essential nutrients. Researchers have long been fascinated by the role of caloric restriction in longevity due to consistent findings across numerous organisms - from yeast and worms to flies and rodents - that a reduced calorie intake, without malnutrition, can extend lifespan.

Among the many studies demonstrating this phenomenon, one of the most notable began in the 1930s with lab rats. When their food intake was cut by 30-40%, these rats lived significantly longer than those fed a regular diet. Similar effects have been observed in various species, including monkeys. A 20-year study on rhesus monkeys found that those on a CR diet showed a decrease in age-related deaths and diseases compared to their counterparts on a regular diet.

The data is trickier to interpret when it comes to human studies, given the difficulties in conducting long-term dietary studies. Nevertheless, observational studies of populations with lower caloric intake, such as the Okinawans in Japan, have shown correlations with prolonged lifespans and reduced rates of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

So, where does intermittent fasting fit into the picture? Interestingly, intermittent fasting seems to mimic many of the benefits of caloric restriction. The alternate periods of feeding and fasting result in overall reduced calorie intake and invoke metabolic shifts similar to those seen in caloric restriction. These include improved insulin sensitivity, reduced inflammation, and enhanced autophagy (a cellular cleaning process), collectively contributing to better health and, potentially, longer lifespan.

Mechanisms of intermittent fasting

The prospect of healthy ageing and extended lifespan has drawn considerable interest towards understanding the underlying cellular mechanisms influenced by intermittent fasting. Let’s delve deeper into how these fasting-induced changes may contribute to longevity.

One central player in this arena is autophagy, a process akin to a cellular recycling or cleanup program. Autophagy is typically upregulated when we fast, meaning our cells become more efficient at clearing out waste and damaged components. This process is critical for maintaining cellular health, and enhanced autophagy has been linked with anti-ageing effects and protection against age-related diseases.

Intermittent fasting also elicits metabolic adaptations that have the potential to influence ageing. During fasting, our bodies switch from using glucose as the primary energy source to burning stored fats, producing molecules called ketones. Research suggests that this metabolic switch, and the associated increase in ketone bodies, may offer protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases and improve brain health.

Inflammation, a known contributor to many age-related diseases, may also be modulated by intermittent fasting. Fasting periods have been shown to reduce markers of inflammation, and lower inflammation levels may potentially delay ageing processes and enhance overall health. Lastly, fasting influences a range of signalling pathways associated with lifespan regulation, including those involving insulin, mTOR (a protein involved in cell growth), and sirtuins (proteins involved in DNA repair and metabolic regulation). Changes in these pathways due to fasting may contribute to a slowed ageing process and improved lifespan.

There are some nuances to it

Embracing intermittent fasting as a health and longevity practice is a decision that requires careful consideration of a multitude of factors, from personal health status and lifestyle to the most current scientific understanding. This strategy must be tailored to individual needs and contexts and requires constant reassessment in light of new scientific findings.

The age of an individual is a crucial consideration. For instance, while some studies show potential benefits of intermittent fasting in adults, these results can’t be generalized to all age groups. Adolescents, who are still growing and developing, and older adults, who may have unique nutritional requirements, could potentially experience adverse effects from the dietary restriction intermittent fasting entails.

Health status is another crucial determinant. Those with chronic conditions, especially metabolic diseases like diabetes, must approach intermittent fasting with care due to the risk of adverse effects like hypoglycemia. Pregnant women and individuals with eating disorders are usually advised against intermittent fasting.

Gender is another factor that requires careful consideration. Preliminary evidence suggests women may respond differently to intermittent fasting than men, and these variances can impact health outcomes. The physiological differences between genders, such as hormonal fluctuations in women, might interact with intermittent fasting in ways that are not fully understood yet.

While animal studies and some preliminary human trials hint at the possible benefits of intermittent fasting for longevity, the scientific consensus still needs to be completed. Most research on caloric restriction and longevity comes from studies in simple organisms and rodents. While these provide valuable insights, the applicability of these findings to humans is still under investigation. More rigorous, long-term studies in diverse human populations are needed to definitively ascertain the impact of intermittent fasting on human lifespan and healthspan.

Moreover, adopting intermittent fasting can pose practical and psychological challenges. Conforming to an eating pattern different from societal norms can be socially isolating and mentally taxing. It’s also crucial not to compensate for the fasting period by overeating during the eating window, which can undermine potential benefits and contribute to unhealthy eating patterns.


In conclusion, intermittent fasting represents a fascinating and promising approach to promoting healthy ageing. The underlying science suggests potential benefits, such as metabolic regulation, cellular repair, and possible lifespan extension - benefits stemming from caloric restriction, an age-old practice now in the spotlight of modern science.

However, as with any health-related strategy, intermittent fasting has its share of challenges. Age, health status, and gender can significantly influence how one’s body responds to this dietary intervention. Practical and psychological hurdles, such as the possibility of social isolation and the risk of developing unhealthy eating patterns, also warrant consideration.

The connection between intermittent fasting and the ageing field is dynamic, with ongoing research continually expanding our understanding. While early findings are promising, we must recognize that more long-term, comprehensive studies in diverse human populations are needed to cement our understanding of intermittent fasting’s role in human health and longevity. Thus, a balanced and nuanced approach to intermittent fasting is essential. It’s not a panacea but a potential tool that should be personalized and adjusted according to individual needs and circumstances. Discussing this with healthcare providers is recommended for anyone considering intermittent fasting to ensure a safe and effective approach.


  • Ageing

  • Intermittent fasting
    • de Cabo, R., & Mattson, M. P. (2019). Effects of intermittent fasting on health, aging, and disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 381(26), 2541-2551.
    • Autophagy
      • Madeo, F., Zimmermann, A., Maiuri, M. C., & Kroemer, G. (2015). Essential role for autophagy in life span extension. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 125(1), 85-93.

    • Metabolic regulation
    • Intermittent fasting in different populations
      • Tinsley, G. M., & La Bounty, P. M. (2015). Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans. Nutrition Reviews, 73(10), 661-674.
      • Intermittent fasting and ageing